Our Platoon Locations
Our Platoons are our way of doing outreach in the local communities where our vetrepreneurs reside. When there are a good number of vetrepreneurs in a given geographic area and a Platoon leader for that region, our corporate sponsors will support events, whether on a quarterly or monthly basis (in some areas) that give our vetrepreneurs the opportunity to meet and mix at a lunch or after hours event with other vetrepreneurs, community leaders and supporters to hear a speaker talk on a topic of interest, as well as give the vetrepreneurs the opportunity to talk about their business and generate awareness and outreach for their business.
The theme of our Platoons is to continue the spirit of team, camaraderie and collaboration that existing in the military. By bringing everyone together, we advance the vetrepreneur mission, the organizations outreach and foster the Warrior Community.

Learn More About Our Platoons
If you would like more information on any of the Platoons in the cities shown above, please contact us.
Contact Us